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- Written by Wang Rihui
- Category: Real Estate
- Hits: 1778
Real Estate Investment has been one of the most important form of wealth accumulation strategy throughout generations. However, most people are taken aback by the sheer amount of investment required to buy such properties, whether residential, commercial or industrial. It was widely held belief that such investment should best be left for those with a lot of capital or typically an investment at an older age when you have accumulated enough capital.
Contrary to the common belief, it would be best to start Real Estate Investment as early as possible as Real Estate Investment typically takes time to mature and gain massive profits. There would be insufficient time to see the fruits of your investment if you only invested when you are older. As for the capital, there are creative ways for people to invest in real estates with little or no money. Therefore, capital should not be an area of concern as long as you know the way. There are also increasing network of real estate investors that work together to secure great deals for real estates. Be sure to join one of them if you are really interested in such investment.
Real Estate Investment can be a daunting task if left to the individual investors who have no knowledge in real estate. Besides knowing where to buy, what type of property to buy, when to buy, there are also negotiation skills needed to reach a deal that matches both the buyer and seller expectations. Typically, wrong venue, wrong type of property, wrong timing and wrong price could all lead to disastrous outcome that could lead to losses in investment. Therefore, it is important to seek such advice from professionals or investor network prior to making the decision.
Real Estate Investment also tends to be long term investment and investor typically have to hold for minimum of 2 to 3 years before being able to withdraw with profits. Therefore, it is always important that you only invest with money that you will not be using for short term. If not, premature withdrawal of real estate investment can also lead to losses in investment or time.